Gymnastics Alert Texts

We have Gymnastics Alert Texts

That let you know when we get our next order of Gymnastics Apparel on the Racks

Right Now we get New Gymnastics Apparel every 2 Months.

Keep in mind that its not an exact Date every time. Sometimes its Early sometimes it takes us a bit to get it all on the racks.

That’s where the Gymnastics Alert Texts come in to play!

If you have Purchased from us before shoot us a Text with your Last Name first and then a Second Text with the words “Gymnastics Alert Texts”

If you have some Requests or Ideas of what Size you are looking for Please Send us a Third Text.

If you Haven’t Purchased from us before shoot us a Text with your First and Last Name and then a Second Text with the words “Gymnastics Alert Texts”

If you have some Requests or Ideas of what Size you are looking for Please Send us a Third Text.